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Tea Tree Oil for Acne: How It Works and the 10 Best Ways to Use It

Original Article

If you usually combat stubborn acne with harsh skincare products containing ingredients like prescription-strength salicylic acid or retinol, allow me to introduce you to a more natural yet powerful acne-fighting alternative: tea tree oil.

This plant-based essential oil is derived from the Australian tree known as Melaleuca alternifolia. Native populations have used tea tree oil medicinally for centuries, but in recent years it's gained popularity in skincare as more people seek out products made from natural, plant-based ingredients. But can this natural ingredient really stand up to the scientifically-optimized formulas available in drugstores or at your derm's office? Let's consult the studies.

Tea Tree Essential Blemish Control Mask

When your skin is going through it, sometimes a spot treatment isn't enough. This mask uses a powerful combination of willow bark, rosemary, and tea tree extracts to exfoliate and deep clean your pores.
